Monday, December 3, 2007

Tomorrow is the big Day!

I go to the Dr. tomorrow for the results to last weeks PET Scan. I am really excited and a tad nervous. I have managed to stay really confident and super busy, because busy gives me less time to think, and when you are playing a waiting game thinking can be dangerous. I will be getting home super late tomorrow from the Dr. because i have a late afternoon appointment which will put me out of the Dr.'s office just in time for the rush hour traffic leaving Sacramento, but i will try and post at least the results tomorrow.

As for Thanksgiving it was really great! Dinner was awesome and spending time with my mom was so much fun. She was here for 3 days and we shopped all 3 days. On Wednesday we shopped for Thanksgiving. Then on Thursday K-Mart is the only store in the world open on Thanksgiving so we were there before the doors opened. Then on Friday we started at 4 am at Mervyn's first, getting there before the doors opened also. We got alot of really great deals and had a good time. We had to come home after 3 stores and take a little break before going out for more. My energy level is just not there yet. Also i know i promised pictures, but the chemo brain is here for good i think. I forgot to charge the battery in my camera, so this Thanksgiving we are going to have to go off memory to remember. Memory- something chemo has stripped me of and seems to be the one thing that may never return.

Speaking of returning though my hair is coming back. I am so excited, except it is going to be an all new me. It is coming in super dark. I have always had dirty blonde hair naturally, so dark hair is going to take some getting used to. It is also coming in curly, but only on the sides and in the back. The top seems to be coming in straight. Of course it is about 1/4 of an inch long so who knows what will happen as it gets longer. For now i am just happy it is coming in thick and even with no more bald spots.

Also i am starting to return to work. I never went completely out during chemo. I continued to work as many hours as i could, on most weeks that was between 8-15 hours. Last week i managed to work 20 and that is the plan for this week too. After this week i am hoping to step it up to 30 hours for a few weeks and hopefully by the end of the month be back full time. The commute makes it hard, i drive 3 to 4 hours a day on top of how many hours i work. So when i get back full time i have 60 hour work weeks between working and commuting. Last week my 20 hours was really 34 with the commute. I was so tired this last week i went straight to bed after work every night. Oh how i can't wait to get all my energy back.


Unknown said...

I can't wait to hear the good news! Sounds like your life is getting back to a normal track. I can't wait for my hair to start coming back. I'm sorry but I don't remember, did you shave yours off completely? I cut mine really short but didn't shave it.
Talk to you soon,

Pam B. said...

Hi Brandi
glad your Thanksgiving was a good one. Ours was good too. So can't wait to hear your your good news! ttys (((hugs))) Pam