Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Just call me Brandi "Remission" England

Yeah! I made it and now i am clean and clear. Just thought i would get on real quick and give the good news. I don't have to see the oncologist until March!!!!!! Merry Early Christmas to me. The best gift i got this year came a little early and it came from my Dr. A Clean Bill of Health. I am beyond excited and today is the first day of the rest of my healthy life.


Pam B. said...

That is an early Christmas present to EVERYONE who loves you....and that would include me =)!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you girl, that is awesome news! I have to admit I've been holding me breath waiting to hear the news...take care ttys love ya Pam

Unknown said...

That is the best news! Congratulations!! So no more doctor appointments until March, that's great. How is your arm doing? I had a nurse tear my arm up because he missed my vein so he kept digging aroung to get my IV in. I met with my primary doc and he said it will probably take about 4 weeks to stop hurting cuz the guy hit one of my nerves. You sound like you are doing great. Congratulations again!!

Unknown said...

Ok so I totally forgot about the computer for weeks! I got a job bartending in Poway (North San Diego) four nights a week and completely forgot to get on the computer and check out the rest of my life! Holy crap Brandi! That's soooooooooooo awesome! I got all teary eyed when I read this post! Yay! No more cancer! 2008 is a new year! Wow you beat cancer in less than a year... damn wonder woman! Well I'm gonna be in town December 24th - 30th and hopefully I get to see you... I'll give ya a call! Congratulations hun. ;p