Monday, September 24, 2007

Feeling Better

So i thought i would update everyone and let you all know that i am finally feeling better. I still have this real nasty congested cough, but I'm not sleeping all day and feeling like death when i am awake so that is definitely better. No more head colds, or flu bugs for me, so stay away if you are sick. LOL

Also as a heads up i will probably go missing in action for awhile. I have to work tomorrow and Wednesday and then chemo on Thursday. I still haven't heard back from the doc on scheduling the PET Scan so no news there yet. After this treatment i will only have 3 more left. I am on the final countdown. The holidays are coming and i am going to feel well enough to enjoy them.

For an update on the shaving my head thing, i had to order a wig online, so i am waiting for it to arrive. There aren't really any wig stores around and the ones i could find the wigs cost an arm and a leg. I have decided to wear a wig to work and i have hats for at home and i will be wearing bald proud. I will post pics after it is done. Wish i had something a little more exciting to report but this is all i have for now.

Thursday, September 20, 2007


This time it's not chemo sick. Joe had a head cold last week and we took every precautionary measure. We sprayed Lysol all over the whole house. I even spent more time at work so i would not be around and when i was home we locked him up in the room. I still got his head cold. Head colds are never pleasant, but try getting one when you have no immune system. I have ran a low grade fever with this, and it is just lingering. He had it 2 days and I am on day 4. The doc put me on antibiotics to be on the safe side. They have had me taking my temperature every couple of hours, as long as it stays below 100.5 then i can fight this at home instead of the hospital. This morning my temperature was finally normal, so i am hoping it stays that way. Needless to say no chemo for me today. That is the one good thing that has come out of this head cold. They delayed me one week on this treatment.

The doctor is also ordering for another PET Scan. I am excited because i really feel like the Hodge is gone. Still a little nervous though. They are supposed to be calling me with the date so i will keep everyone posted as soon as i get the info.

As soon as i am feeling better ( I have been put on bed rest until the cold is all gone) I will be going wig shopping. I feel like i have held onto my hair as long as possible and it is time to let go. I have gotten so thin when i look in the mirror, i am not sure who is looking back at me. I have just decided if I'm going to do the cancer thing ( like i had any choice in that matter) i should get the full experience and do the bald thing. I only have 2 cycles left so that won't leave me bald for long. After all it's just hair and it will grow back.

Despite feeling horrible from this cold, my spirits are up and i have been in a good mood. I have gotten some extra rest with this cold, seems like i have slept for the last 3 days. That's all i have for now. I will let you know when the next scan is as soon as i know.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy!!!

OK so i guess i have been missing in action for awhile again. I have been super busy. So first we will play catch up. We had a great Labor Day Weekend. We BBQ on Saturday and only my dad showed up, but it was nice. Then on Sunday we went to the ocean. The Bay Bridge was closed all of Labor Day Weekend so they could do repairs, so we went across the San Mateo Bridge and ended up going to Pacifica instead of San Fran. The waves were great and it was a beautiful sunshiny day in the Bay. We took the dog, Zoe, and she was a little scared at first but it didn't take her long to warm up. She absolutely loves the water. I did get some great pics but have not downloaded them from my camera yet. I will try and get to that later. After the long weekend i spent Tuesday re cooperating and worked a really long day on Wednesday. Thursday was chemo and I haven't felt very good since then. Seems like the ickiness just doesn't go away as easy as it did before. I've mainly been in bed, trying to get up and do small things the last couple of days, but i just have no energy.

So tomorrow is back to work, I have a new Assistant Manager starting and she will be training with me and Katherine all month. Katherine is moving to Sunny San Diego and i wish her the best. She will be missed, but this is a great opportunity for her.

I am hoping to feel better by this weekend it is Tyler's birthday on Saturday. Also we have a celebration for my dad on Saturday, I need to find a good bakery in town. Well i guess that is all i have for now. I will try and post some pics later.