Saturday, December 13, 2008

ok i am back!!!

So I have not posted in a while. I have felt well and figured there was no reason to post. Well now I am back. I am getting ready to have surgery again on a new lump in my neck. Hodgkin is starting to show it's ugly head again. I have felt very tired again and found a new lump in my neck again, so i went to see the Dr. They did a MRI and now after seeing inflamed lymph nodes on the right and left side of my neck they have decided it would be best to do a biopsy. I think the biopsy should be at the beginning of the new year. I will update as soon as I know more.

Happy Holiday to all.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry to hear you are going through this. Please let me know what is the outcome of the biopsy. I can't actually tell you how I'm doing because I don't have insurance anymore and I can't afford a PET Scan. It's been about 6 months since my last PET Scan. I've been feeling pretty good but I feel like I should get some sort of test done. I get these weird aches where my tumor use to be. It could just be all in my head, I don't know. Anyway, sorry to ramble on. I hope you and your family had a nice Christmas. email me
Take care,