Wednesday, October 24, 2007

O.K. News

So yesterday i went to get the results to last weeks PET Scan. It wasn't exactly what i wanted to hear. I guess there is still a small spot showing. So two more treatments and then at the end of November another PET Scan. The Dr. is going to have me not take the Nuelasta shot after my last chemo. He says that sometimes that shot has a funny effect to the PET Scan. So i will be keeping my fingers crossed that is why i still have activity showing. I see the Dr. on Dec. 4th to get the results to the next PET Scan. The news was a little discouraging because the Dr. had told me initially that 3 rounds of chemo would probably get rid of it, but as a precautionary measure we would do 6 rounds. So after 5 rounds i was expecting to hear that it was all gone. I knew that i would have to do this last round of chemo regardless to the results of the Scan, but if it was already gone and I was just doing the last round as a precautionary measure that would have been better than doing the last round and hoping it's enough to get rid of whats left.

Oh well on a different note, Thank You to Mary Jane who found a great wig shop in our area. They are very reasonably priced and even let you try the wigs on in the store. I took my good friend Jenny with me and we had a good time getting me 2 really great "buddies". Here is a picture of the 2 i just got.

So I woke up this morning and after months of getting balder i start to realize that i have a full head of baby hairs growing back in already. Yeah. I'm not sure if they will last through the next 2 chemo treatments. The more i looked at my hair i started to realize the few hairs (like 10) that i have left, look really bad. Almost like a bad Halloween wig. So i got out the scissors and started to give myself a haircut. Probably not the best idea, but i figured i couldn't make it look any worse than it already did. Then i decided to clean it up a bit and we shaved my head, so all the hair would be the same length. So if i do hang on to the new baby hairs that have grown in, then in several months i should look like a girl again. Until then i have scarves and wigs. Honestly it really does look better, and i never had to do the total bald thing, just very very very short. Here is a picture.

Well i have chemo tomorrow and then i will only have one left. This Friday is my last Nuelasta shot....Thank goodness for that. I will try and do a post over the next day or two before the shot kicks in to let everyone know how i am adjusting to the almost baldness.


Pam B. said...

what was your o.k. news? ttys

Anonymous said...

WOO HOO!! Check you out girl! I think after looking at the "buddies" I have to say the one with the shorter bangs is the best one! I love it!! They both look great, but I am feeling the longer one. Your eyebrows look amazing! And you have more than 10 baby
YOURE BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I love you girl! Love me Jenny

Pam B. said...

Brandi! you look so cute!! I like the longer one also, but actually even the darker one is cute! Sorry to hear there was trouble with your last should NOT have to be in pain...that's just not fair. I'm so glad you had a good time with Jenny, she's such a sweety...good person to have in your corner for sure! take care girl...hope to see ya on 30th ((((HUGS))))) love ya Pam